a la mode events support appraiser coalitions

Written by on June 27, 2014

I’ll start this off with a bit of bragging: we’re very good at getting appraisers to register for the events we hold. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t have held our Mobile Workshops in over 19 cities over the last year, and we wouldn’t be holding our new three-day Modern Appraiser Roadshows in over 10 this summer and fall alone. But now we’re foregoing a sizeable chunk of revenue for the events so we can advocate for appraisers by supporting the appraisers’ coalitions and groups that in turn advocate for you. We’re happy to do so because, simply put, we’re obvious and vocal appraiser advocates, and we have a long history of being that way.

As one appraiser said about our most recent event in Jackson, “In the 20 years we have been taking classes, my wife and I agree that we got more actual field-usable information from this class than any other we have ever attended.” I’m sure you’re thinking, Big deal – that’s just another pro-a la mode quote. What you don’t know is that the appraiser that I quoted is the VP and incoming-President of the Mississippi Coalition of Appraisers (MSCAPP). Why does that matter? Because the event was in local partnership with MSCAPP, and the only reason we came to Jackson was because they reached out to us. What’s more is that we provided discount codes for MSCAPP to use to boost marketing and recruitment to their organization so they can further protect and advocate for appraisers in Mississippi. Your organization – big, small, state, national, new, or old can join our Community Partnerships Program to receive the same benefits.

What I’m detailing above is a Partnered Education Course, which is a component of our Community Partnerships Program. The sole purpose of the program is to advocate for appraisers and the appraiser coalitions that protect them. We’re providing discounts, tools, and funding that no other vendor has provided. These Partnered Education Courses can be for an event we already have planned, or one your group would like to see us bring to your area. Just e-mail us at community@alamode.com if you’re interested in a partnered event with your organization or coalition. And, just to make sure it’s obvious, there is no cost to join the program or receive the discounts for your coalition.

Click here and you’ll see that our Austin Modern Appraiser Roadshow is in local partnership with the Association of Texas Appraisers.

For more information on Partnered Education Courses, and the other cost-reducing products and additional funding we’re providing to appraiser organizations throughout the country, visit www.alamode.com/commnity.

If you’re not a customer, ask your vendor what they’re doing to advocate for appraisers. The more that are, the better it is for you and the industry. And we’ll provide this support to all organizations, even if zero members use our software.